Lyrics for: Grindwork, comp MCD

(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
Nuclear power plants - tons of growing waste
We spit out toxic shit - of our planet's nothing left
Why can't we see that pollution ends?!?
Suffocation forced upon all living things
We all slowly die and nobody resists
Why can't we see that pollution ends?!?
2. FUR
(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
An industry substained by our desire
To force suffering on others
Their lives for leather!
All for our fashion!
You're taking their skin!
You're taking their lives!
You fat, rich upper class piece of shit!
You bastard - strip and disappear!
Their lives for leather!
All for our fashion!
You're taking their skin!
You're taking their lives!
How would you feel to have your skin removed
And seeing someone else treating it for clothes?
(Music & lyrics: Rickard )
Trapped in the shit, trapped in the filth
Reaching out to get some help but no one gives a shit
Try to realize and think for yourself
Do not give a shit for patterns and the fucking trends
I scream out to you: "why can't you see?"
That you are just a part of a game played by society
Blind from reality, (I guess) it's easier with lies
Stuck in your pathetic pattern that you call a life
Why complain on me? I am what I've always been
I'm exactly what you see, and I know I'll never be...
...A part of a game played by society!
(Music & lyrics: Anders)
The world isn't run by weapons anymore or energy or money
It's run by little ones and zeros - little bits of data, it's all just electronics
There is a world war out there and it's not about who's got the most bullets
It's about who controlls the information, what we see or hear, how we work, what we think
It's all about the information!
(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
Try to get out, you try to get out, what kept you then sure as hell keeps you now
You try to change but they keep you in line
In line! Are you your own master?
No space to control, do nothing by yourself,
Reach out for help but you're in their hand
Smile when you're dead!
Your ways aren't their ways, you're in their way
With a bullet in your head you can smile when you're dead
Smile when you're dead!
(Music & lyrics: Anders)
Multiple choices, leave me all confused
Left to decide, in a perplexed election
How shall I be able to take a stand
When I'm blindfolded by the media?
(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
To be governed is to be watched over, directed,
regulated, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled,
cencored by men who have neiter the right
nor the knowledge nor the virtue
Erased from this world!
To be governed is to be, at each moment, noted, taxed,
assessed, authorized, hampered, rebuked, arrested.
It's to be, on the pretext of general interests,
monopolized, extorted, hoaxed, robbed
Erased from this world!
Then at the least resistance, at the first word of
complaint, to be repressed, beaten, imprisoned,
judged, condemned, betrayed and finally mocked,
ridiculed, insulted, dishonored
Erased from this world!
(Music & lyrics: Anders)
Raped by a soldier!
Bombsplittered baby!
Spawn of a warfuck!
Lyrics for the releases
Blind World, split 7" EP with Agatochles Really Fast vol 9, comp LP
Grindwork, comp MCD
Smile When You're Dead, split 7" with Psycho
Domedagen, demo
Industrislaven, MCD/12"
World in Turmoil, 7"
The Black Illusions, split 7" with Abstain
Regressive Hostility, comp CD
Inhale/Exhale, LP/CD
The Nasum Campaign, split 7" EP with Warhate
Human 2.0, LP/CD
The Bloodbath is Coming..., comp 2x7" EP
Untitled, split 7" EP with Asterisk*
Untitled, split 7" EP with Skitsystem
Polar Grinder, comp LP
Helvete, LP/CD
Shift, LP/CD
Grind Finale, 2xCD
Discography in recording order

1. "Blind World"
split 7" EP (Poserslaughter)
split 7" EP (Poserslaughter)

2. "Really Fast vol 9"
comp LP (Really Fast)
comp LP (Really Fast)

3. "Grindwork"
comp MCD (Grindwork Productions)
comp MCD (Grindwork Productions)

4. "Smile When You're Dead"
split 7" EP (Ax/ction)
split 7" EP (Ax/ction)

5. "Domedagen"
demo (self released)
demo (self released)

6. "Industrislaven"
MCD (Poserslaughter)
MCD (Poserslaughter)

7. "Industrislaven"
12" EP (Yellow Dog)
12" EP (Yellow Dog)

8. "World In Turmoil"
7" EP (Blurred)
7" EP (Blurred)

9. "The Black Illusions"
split 7" EP with Abstain (Yellow Dog)
split 7" EP with Abstain (Yellow Dog)

10. "Regressive Hostility"
comp CD (Hostile Regression)
comp CD (Hostile Regression)

11. "In Defense of Our Future - A Tribute to Discharge" comp LP/CD (Distortion)

12. "Inhale/Exhale"
CD (Relapse)
CD (Relapse)

13. "Inhale/Exhale"
LP (Distortion/Relapse)
LP (Distortion/Relapse)

14. "Untitled" bonus 7" with "Inhale/Exhale" LP (Distortion/Relapse)

15. "The Nasum Campaign"
split 7" EP with Warhate (Relapse)
split 7" EP with Warhate (Relapse)

16. "Relapse Winter 2000 sample"
promo comp CD (Relapse)
promo comp CD (Relapse)

17. "Human 2.0"
CD (Relapse)
CD (Relapse)

18. "Human 2.0"
LP (Distortion/Relapse)
LP (Distortion/Relapse)

19. "Human 2.01"
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)

20. "The Bloodbath is Coming"
comp 2x7" EP (Sound of Betrayal)
comp 2x7" EP (Sound of Betrayal)

21. "Untitled" split 7" EP with Asterisk* (Black Mask Collective/Busted Heads/Putrid Filth)

22. "Requiems of Revulsion - A Tribute to Carcass" comp CD (Death Vomit)

23. "Untitled"
split 7" EP with Skitsystem (No Tolerance)
split 7" EP with Skitsystem (No Tolerance)

24. "Polar Grinder"
comp LP (Putrid Filth/Manufactured cR)
comp LP (Putrid Filth/Manufactured cR)

25. "Collapsed"
comp CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)
comp CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)

26. "Helvete"
CD (Relapse)
CD (Relapse)

27. "Helvete"
LP (Relapse)
LP (Relapse)

28. "Helvete"
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)

29. "Shift"
CD (Burning Heart)
CD (Burning Heart)

30. "Shift"
CD (Relapse)
CD (Relapse)

31. "Shift"
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)
CD (Ritual/Howling Bull)

32. "Shift"
LP (No Tolerance)
LP (No Tolerance)

33. "Helvete"
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)

34. "Human 2.0"
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)

35. "Inhale/Exhale"
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)
Pic-LP (Vinyl Maniacs/GMR)

36. "Grind Finale"
2xCD (Relapse)
2xCD (Relapse)

37. "Grind Finale"
2xCD (Ritual/Howling Bull)
2xCD (Ritual/Howling Bull)

38. "Grind Finale"
4xLP (Unrest)
4xLP (Unrest)

39. "Doombringer"
CD (Relapse)
CD (Relapse)

40. "Doombringer"
LP (Relapse)
LP (Relapse)

41. "SOS Japan - Grind Kaijyu Attack!" split 12" picture disc with Napalm Death (FETO)

42. "Domedagen"
7" EP, cassette EP (Power-It-Up)
7" EP, cassette EP (Power-It-Up)

43. "Blasting Shit To Bits - The Final Show" DVD (Selfmadegod Records)

44. "Songs of Regressive Hostility" Cassette EP (Death by Digital/Selfmadegod Records)

45. "Blasting Shit To Bits - The Final Show" 2xLP (Selfmadegod Records)

46. "Blasting Shit To Bits - The Final Show" CD (Selfmadegod Records)

47. "Blasting Shit To Bits - The Final Show" CS (Selfmadegod Records)

48. "Blind World"
split 7" EP picture disc (Grindestroy)
split 7" EP picture disc (Grindestroy)

49. "Live at CBGB's 1999"
LP (Death By Digital)
LP (Death By Digital)