Vault excavation: Merchandise extravaganza!!!
Newspost Posted: July 29, 2005 22:50:17 by Anders JakobsonThere is also a new (!) Necrony release available in our mailorder as of now. I am as surprised as you are. As late as last Saturday I spoke (in Swedish) about the unlikeliness of a collection of all Necrony material on CD in my blog. Little did I know that less then a week later I would actually have such a release in my hand!
It's an official release from Poserslaughter and it includes both CD's, the 7" and some demosongs on one 90 minutes (!) CD. The stuff is remastered and sounds pretty good.
Unfortunately I have some issues with this release that you can read about in this blog.
Also, Nasum collectors should check out the auctions in my last eBay blog.
Finally the merchandise prices have been adjusted since the value of the Swedish crown that has changed since I adjusted them the last time. This actually means that the international prices are lower now. Nice, huh?