A July 23 update about everything
Newspost Posted: July 23, 2005 17:38:06 by Anders JakobsonAnyway, the files are on another server now thanks to Marcel. I would like to say big thanks to all of you who have written me abour serverspace. It's nice to know that there's so many friendly people out there willing to help out when it's needed the most. Thank you all!
In other news: I am currently working quite close with the art department at Relapse with the "Grind Finale" cover and layout. We're not there yet with the cover but it's close. In two weeks from Monday all the artwork must be finished so I will be able to unveil the cover and some more information about the package and the exact release dates quite soon, but we're looking at a late October release...
I've also got a message from GMR Music that the picture LP's for "Inhale/Exhale" and "Human 2.0" are in production now, so I guess they will be out soon. I might get some of "Helvete" for our mailorder soon. We'll see.
Next week I will talk with our merch printer again about doing some reprints and one new design. I'm still thinking about the reprints so if you have any suggestions, just send me an email so I know what the general vibe is. I don't think I will do any hoodies this time, maybe later in the fall.
Until the next bigger update, you should check out the Blog since I tend to publish some "half news" there every now and then.