Statement at the P3 Guld Awards 2004

In Swedish (translation follows)

Programledaren Petra Wangler Marklund inledde med att berätta att Mieszko är saknad i Thailand och att Nasum var det första bandet P3 bokade till galan. Sedan sa hon att vi ändå ville att priset skulle delas ut och att vi hade skrivit ett brev som de skulle läsa upp.

I kväll skulle vi, Nasum, spelat på P3 Guldgalan, men tyvärr kan vi inte göra det då vår sjungande gitarrist Mieszko Talarczyk är saknad i Thailand.

Den sista gången vi hörde från Mieszko var den 23:e december på hans 30-årsdag då han från ett Internetcafé mailade hem. Ämnet var just vårt framträdande på P3 Guld.

Tre dagar senare sköljde jättevågen in över Phi Phi Island och separerade Mieszko och hans flickvän. Flickvännen skadades allvarligt och får nu all tänkbar vård i Sverige, men Mieszko är fortfarande saknad i Thailand.

Han är även saknad i Sverige. Sedan nyheten blev officiell har hundratals människor hört av sig till oss. Vänner, kollegor och helt främmande personer, alla med samma oro.

Vi vill officiellt tacka alla dessa för deras stöd och medkänsla som defintivt hjälpt oss i denna tid av oro och ovisshet.

Många människor har på ett eller annat sätt drabbats av katastrofen i Sydostasien. Många människor har gjort hjältedåd för att trösta och hjälpa till. Många tysta minuter har hållits.

Tysta minuter har aldrig varit Nasums grej så vi uppmanar nu alla att hedra omkomna, skadade, överlevande och alla hjältar med en stor varm applåd.

English translation

The host of the night Petra Wangler Marklund started off telling everyone that Mieszko is missing in Thailand and that Nasum was the first band P3 booked for the P3 Guld Award show. Then she said that we wanted the award to be given away anyway and that we had written a letter that they should read out loud.

Tonight we, Nasum, should have performed at the P3 Guld Award show, but we are unfortunately not able to do that since our singing guitarist Mieszko Talarczyk is missing in Thailand.

The last time we heard from Mieszko was on December 23, his 30th birthday, when he emailed us from an Internetcafé. The subject was our performance at P3 Guld.

Three days later the gigant wave struck Phi Phi Island and seperated Mieszko and his girlfriend. The girlfriend was injured badly and is now going through all sorts of medical care in Sweden, but Mieszko is still missing in Thailand.

He is also missed in Sweden. Since the news became official hundreds of people have gotten in touch with us. Friends, colleagues and complete strangers, all sharing the same anxiety.

We want to officially thank all of them for their support and compassion that definitively have helped us in this time of anxiety and uncertainty.

Many people have in one way or another been affected by the Asian disaster. Many people have performed heroic acts to comfort and to help. Many minutes of silence have passed.

Minutes of silence have never been Nasum's thing, so we now ask you to honor the deceased, the injured, the survivors and all the heroes with a big warm applause.


The complete biography of Nasum covering the entire history of the band, from the early years to the end of band in 2004... And a slight addition of the 2012 Farewell return. To the biography


The definite guide to the Nasum discography with lots of photos of every release, along with all possible information and comments written by Nasum's Anders Jakobson. To the discography


Nasum remembers former lead singer, guitarist, song writer and producer Mieszko A. Talarczyk with eulogies, pictures and more. Includes Mieszko's own words about the "Helvete" recording. To the In Memory of Mieszko page


A complete run down of each and every show Nasum performed from the first one in 1995 to the final stage appearences in 2012. To the showarchive


Lyrics to all Nasum songs, organized release by release. To the Lyrics

T-shirt History

A gallery of most of the official and Nasum produced t-shirts. To the T-shirt history