Messages posted at December 2005-January 2006
I miss you a lot, I can't believe it's been one year! I think about you every day!- Anders, Örebro, Sweden

You are with us whenever we listen!
Paul Shaw
- Paul Shaw, New Glasgow, Canada

No one will ever beat you in screaming!
I hope you still grinding in Heaven for the angels!
Grind your mind forever!
Peace & Love / Eternal Nasum-Fan Fredrik
- Fredrik Backlund, Sweden

Time has passed and we are Grinding on!
- Colin, Melbourne - Australia

You were something special.
- Alex Wiman, Uppsala, Sweden

- Mike Craig, Georgia, USA

- Tiong, Johore Malaysia

What Mieszko created with his bands and what it has brought to me, simply cannot be put into words. His music brought me joy, relieved stress, helped me through hard times, and opened my eyes to new thoughts.
My girlfriend bought me the "In Memory of Mieszko" t-shirt for Christmas. I made her give it to me early and I have been wearing it almost nonstop.
Not sure what else to say, but to say thank you to Mieszko for all that he has done for me. May you rest in peace.
- Andrew Sawtell, Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.A.

- Matt, Nancy, France

- Wouter Roemers, Hechtel, Belgium

- Nick, United States

- Panu Posti, Helsinki, Finland

We will meet on the other side
- Johan, Belgium

- Daniel, Rostock, Germany

Such as Chuck Schuldiner, the music will miss Miezsko as a great musicien with a fucking great talent in songwriting and as a innovator in the grindcore genre, and it lacks in this kind of music... Miezsko proved that you can play grindcore and be technical...
This december I lighted three candles : one for Chuck Schuldiner, one for Dimebag Darrell, and one for Miezsko Talarczyk. I'd call them "the three stars", three genius who passed away too early... but who all let an eternal print in music.
RIP Miezsko, hope you rest in peace (and you're making a fucking band up there with Doc, Chuck, Dimebag and others ! )
- Jay, Lyon, France

Ett år.....ett år har gått men jag saknar dig lika mycket som någonsin tidigare. Jag vet inte hur jag ska uttrycka mig för att få dig att förstå hur fruktansvärt tomt det blev när du lämnade oss. Hela min värld lamslog och det har inte släppt än. Du finns i mitt huvud helt tiden och jag får hela tiden reda på nya saker om dig som jag inte vetat tidigare. Det grämer mig något fruktansvärt att jag började lyssna på nasum så sent, det känns som om jag inte fick tilläckligt med tid tillsammans med er. Jag hann inte se er live och det är något som svider. Så sent som igår gjorde det ont i mig när jag fick höra om hur en person på min skola hade varit på samma bajamaja som du under Arvika-festivalen. Hurvida det är sant eller inte vet jag inte men jag blev ändå så avundsjuk att jag inte har kunna tänka på något annat sedan dess.
Det var bara för någon månad sedan som jag fick höra din "riktigta" röst för första gången. Det var en videoupptagning från P3 Guld, när ni tog emot priset. Det var stort, riktigt stort att få höra din "riktigt" röst. Jag kan inte riktigt sätta fingret på varför men känslan i kroppen var oslagbar.
Det är många saker jag skulle vilja tacka dig för, din musik naturligtvis men andra saker som inte är lika uppenbara kanske. Jag har alltid tyckt att Kent är ett riktigt riktigt bra band men jag har aldrig vågat berätta för någon att jag lyssnar på dem. För mig och mina vänner har det alltid varit metal som gällt och jag vågade inte ens tänka på deras reaktion om jag kom dragandes med att jag gillade Kent. Men i samband med din begravning fick jag reda på att ditt favoritband var Kent och då förändrades allt. Jag tror det var då som skygglapparna togs bort från mina ögon och jag insåg att man kunde tycka om olika typer av musik. Det var först då jag rakryggat kunde titta de där personerna i ögonen och säga att jag tyckte om Kent. Deras reaktion var precis den jag hade väntat mig men det spelade ingen roll längre, och den känslan var helt fantastisk. Du är min hjälte både som levande och som bortgången.
Så tack Mieszko, tack för allt! Jag kommer aldrig glömma dig
- Anton Andersson, Åmål, Sverige

- Dr Q, Belgium

This is for Mieszko, to one of my most respected musicians ever
- Oscar O, Ödskölt

- Andres, Moscow, Russia

- Paride, Lugano, Switzerland

Much respect
- Ale, Italy

- Andy Williams, Auckland, New Zealand & Melbourne, Australia

viele Menschen die sterben, verdienen das Leben.
Keiner von uns vermag allerdings, diesen Lauf der Dinge zu beeinflussen. Mieszko war jemand, der es verdient hat zu leben - für immer. NASUM wird mir fehlen, Mieszko wird mir fehlen. Jeder, der ihn live auf der Bühne erlebt hat, hat diese Energie gespürt, die er übermittelt hat. Mieszko wird immer weiterleben, solang irgendwo auf der Welt ein Lied von NASUM oder seinen anderen Projekten läuft. Wir werden seine Stimme noch Jahre hinweg hören und an ihn denken und ihn so in Erinnerung behalten, wie er war. Er hat dadurch geschafft, was viele Menschen etliche Zeiten lang versucht haben und ein Traum der Menschheit ist - er ist nun unsterblich und wird auf ewig leben. Wir sehen uns auf der anderen Seite
- Stefan Müller, Floß, Germany

Lost yet never forgotten.
Forever, you will be the voice of grindcore.
- Steven Elias, Hull, Canada

I Miss you Man...
Nasum 4 Ever!
- Romain, Mons, Belgium

- Laura, Madrid, Spain.

- RB, Coimbra, Portugal

- Kris Coon, Trollhättan, Sweden

Grind in heaven brother!!!
- Tony from Igraved, Ceglie Messapica (Italy)

Med bästa hälsningar Fredrik
- Fredrik, Stockholm

- Ric Marleau, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

- Ale, Bergamo, Italy

- Dadde, Stockholm

- Brendan, Australia

Kramar Jimmy
- Lundmark, Örebro/Sweden

May your soul forever rest in peace Miezsko
- Antonin Zajicek, Besançon, France

- Blom, Karlstad, Sweden

Mieszko R.I.P

- lawan!, Malaysia

Grind your heaven Mieszko
- Giorgio, Italy, Como

- Fernando Deschapell, Miami, United Staes of America

- Piotrek, Krakow, Poland

Brian P. Hoadley
- Brian P. Hoadley, Los Angeles USA

Mieszko kommer vara saknad av många, men också ihågkommen för musiken han och Nasum skapade. Han inspirerar och betyder fortfarande mycket för folk, även efter sin bortgång. Det är stort.
- Fredrik Dahlfors, Stockholm, Sweden

all heder
- jonatan, mariehamn, finland

- rudy, kuala lumpur malaysia

...Rest In Peace
- M.M., Italy

- Jambra, Milan, Italy

- Niccolò, Rome

- nisa, istanbul

Vila i frid
- Viktor, Huddinge, Sweden

- stefano, milan, italy

My thoughts goes out all near friends and loved ones. And of course my thoughts also goes out to all the other people who lost somebody or just had to experience this terrible tragedy.
"Only the good die young..."
- Freddan, Malmo, Sweden

Loving you forever...
Forgetting you never...
You're great...RIP
- Guido, Verona (Italy)

Anders, on behalf of She Said Destroy
- Anders Bakke, Oslo, Norway

- Davide, L'Aquila - ITALY -

- Hednar, Karlstad

- Aristide Arcera., Casarano Italia

- Pietro, Verona, Italy

Vill bara visa att jag bryr mig.
Har blivit väldigt inspirerad av dig som gitarrist och jag ser upp till dig som både musiker och producent.
Sup hårt i grind-himlen!!
- Anders, Deje, Sweden

- Ingo Holzcore, Germany

Though the memories will last.
- Felcher, Gravesend, UK

Sei stato e sarai sempre un Grind!
- BurdeN, Roma, Italy

- carlo, venezia,italy

We will never ever forgett you Mieszko!
You are with us, forever.
Hope you smile and are happy, where ever you are.
R.I.P. Mieszko Talarczyk
- Patrik Lanzén, Falkenberg, Sweden

- besa, italy

only 30 years old, but don't worry your life was great and now you are so better
take care and alwys smile friend
- Ruben Martell, Hermosillo, Mexico

Just nu sitter jag förövrigt i min In memory of Mieszko t-shirt. Hoppas att det nya projktet blir ett riktigt band som en hyllning till Mieszko!
- Jimmu, Huskvarna

you'll be in our hearts and ears forever !!!!!
- Toni Hofmann, Traunreut, Germany

- Charles Lang, Göteborg

- Lothar, Hamburg, Germany

Just keep it real with Nasum stuff. Forever
- Pierrik, Lyon, France

May your musical legacy live on forever in fans, and your memory always remain with friends and family
- Matt Evans, Wisconsin, United States

- Eric, Milano, Italy

Very many people died in that tsunami, and I was relieved when I heard that none of my relatives or other familiar people weren't there.
But one day later, my friend said me "The mainman of Nasum is missing in Thailand". I went in a total shock. Seriously, my head was all messed up.
Mieszko was for me, maybe the greatest musician idol in those days. For several days I hoped for all of my heart, that they would find him alive. But after a week, i lost my hope. And I cried.
My idol, the leader of one of my favorite bands, the mighty Nasum, was now gone. I was gonna never see them live again, never to hear their new album.
Mieszko, I really miss you. Hope you're in a better place now doing the music, that used to be, and still is very inspiring and powerful.
You had your strong thoughts on this society, and they will remain strong in the music of Nasum, which is played forever after your death.
Rest In Peace
- Aapo, Espoo, Finland

- Mathieu, Saint-Tite des Caps, Canada

- Malendras, Staten Island, USA

Sono e saro' sempre un tuo grande ammiratore....
grazie di tutto...grazie per i bellissimi dischi che ci hai regalato...senza te e i Nasum,il grind non sara' piu' quello di prima...
- dario, milano,italy

- Dan, Boston, MA

- Oula Kerkelä, Lappeenranta, Finland

- IHateU from SoulBleeder, Benevento

Rest In Peace bro
- Leonardo Gabiati, Genzano di Roma, Italy

- José Rodrigues, Lisbon, Portugal

I believe that people move on to a wonderful place when they die; in the meantime, his spirit will live on in the very special music he created for us.
RIP Mieszko
- Tom Levenson, Amesbury, Massachusetts USA

I just stumbled upon this site
And downloaded a few samples
Listened to the music and heared it was real good
And then I read about Mieszko and his tragic death.
Just looking at his pictures tells me what a good and great guy he must have been!
And reading Jon's memorials learned me even more about Mieszko.
I hope that wherever he is, he is happy and remember his great friends, because I know that they will allways remember him!
Peace to you Mieszko,
Peace to you
- Stéphan Schamp, Massemen, Belgium

- Jon Long, Mendham, New Jersey, USA

I just got the grind finale cd and its gorgeous everyone should get it and what great work. To all his friends and famillies and past band members and especially his girlfriend , he was a great inspiration to a lot of bands and fans beloved by everyone who knew him and a great guitarist.
Isn't that a great way to be remembered .
rest in peace mieszko.diamond darrel and SRV
- elias kostolias, st-hubert,quebec

You may be gone, but your passion, music and spirit live on. We miss you...always. GRIND!!!
- Matt Mitchell, Denver, CO USA

"What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away
in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I would let you down
I would make you hurt"
("Hurt" by Trent Reznor, NIN)
- Patrick S., Germany

- Huw Morgan, Cardiff, Wales, Uk

It's just wrong, when the man who's words you so much identified with, you find was taken at his prime.
Your voice is heard and appreciated,
And I sorely regret never meeting the one behind it.
Rest in peace, Mieszko Talarczyk
- Ofer Freedman, Israel

You are my ispiration.
Thanks great genius
- Enzo Piselli, Villa Rosa, Italy

- Dave, ITALY

- Tuoski, Finland

- rol eder, Vienna, Austria

- Eric, León, Spain

One year on and I still can't believe it.
You live on in memory and music.
R.I.P. Mieszko
- Sam Knight, Guildford, UK

I will not forget you!
- Wouter, Leiden, The Netherlands

So i just say, Grind In Peace \m/
- Sepia Sam, Cardiff / Wales

- Johan Heyrman, Burcht (Belgium)

- Hanna Magnusson, Filipstad [Swe]

- Micke, Örebro

Gracias por todo Mieszko una vez más.
- douglas:samaniego, caracas, Venezuela.

grind in heaven
grind in hell
grind it up anyway
just the way you can
- mishit (, poprad, slovakia

- Axel Bache-Wiig, Eivindvik, Norway.

- Storm Detonation, Helsinki, Finland

- Martin de Bruyn, Utrecht, The Netherlands

- Riku Meriläinen, Nummela, Finland

- Cristian, Göteborg

- Daniel Löfquist, Malmö, Sweden

- valerio, Rome Italy

- anne-laure et jérémie, neuchatel, suisse

You'll live forever Mieszko, forever
- Andrea, Brugherio, Italy

- alexxx, France

Mieszko, du och Nasum har betytt så jävla mycket för mig. Ni är en av anledningarna till att jag svettas i replokalen 3 ggr i veckan. Man får aldrig nog av Nasum, jag älskar er.
Rest In Peace Mieszko!!!!
- Gudbjörn Valgreirsson, Göteborg

- Simon Edström, Luleå, Sweden

- Petar Cuk, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

Your work here is done and you surely did it well!
Thank you for the Music
- Lasse Myllys, Vaasa, Finland

- t, oslo

Ma la tua Musica e la tua Rabbia vivranno per sempre in tutti noi, nei nostri cuori e nelle nostre anime.
Non ti dimenticheremo mai, Mieszko.
Non vi dimenticheremo mai, Nasum.
- Marco, Milan (Italy)

- Dan Fieldmouse, Clitheroe, UK

- Martin, Gothenburg

It was an amazing show, great band, great people...
To hear the death of mieszko a month later truly saddened me.
I'd like to say, in the name of the whole several bleeds records team that promoted that show back in 2004, that he is missed, as a man, as a musician, a friend.
Keep on rocking Mieszko, and know that you aren't forgotten.
Kenny And the whole SBR team
- Kenny @ SBR, Marseille, France

- Dave Bowes, Motherwell, Scotland

- Jakub, Nowa Wiess , Poland

- Niklas, Huddinge

- Martin Gestranius, Kirjala, Finland

- Shane Hawco, Edmonton Alberta Canada

Tack vare dig har jag i alla fall börjat mangla i ett Grind-band, legenden ska leva vidare!
Vila i frid Mieszko
- Joel Söderberg, Nyköping, Sweden

- Bon, California

Alla har sin tid här på jorden, tyvärr blev Mieszkos kortare än den borde ha varit.
Mieszko och Nasum har för alltid en del i mitt hjärta!
- Daniel, Luleå, Sweden

- Maarten, De Rijp (netherlands)

This makes me wonder if we don't fear the wrong things in life.
But I senceerly hope for the family and loved ones of Mieszko that they can find peace with this loss, one year after the terrible tragedy, though it might be hard.
I can't immagine how it must be like to lose someone close to me.. and hope I won't have to experience it quite soon, but losing Mieszko sure gave me a reality check.
I guess I kind of figured I could lose someone perfectly healthy to..
But we're not living in anticipation or fear of death.. we're living because life is worth living.
I still freeze up when thinking about (not only Miesko) all the victims of that dark period in history..
I wish the best to all of you who loved him and for all of those who will miss his political statements he declared while writing and singing for Nasum.
May he be in a better place...
- Fabio, Krommenie, Holland

- Elis Olandersson, Mölnlycke

- W.ó.B, Dublin.

- Zach Willis, Dayton, Ohio, USA

You will be remembered
- Christopher Peake, Helsinki, Finland

Rest in peace Mieszko
- ferdy, heijningen,holland

Thanks for your music and inspiration
- M, Portugal

- Timo Pahlke, Altenmarkt, Germany

- Micke Meller, Örebro Sverige

thanks for all the impressions!
p.s.: hope you have a nice sight up there. :)
- gemby, Miskolc, Hungary

All we have from you now is your music, and it reminds us of you each time we listen to it.
May you rest in peace
- Adrien, France

- Fredrik, Karlstad

- Stacy, Walla Walla, USA

ville bara säga att dina avgrundsvrål alltid kommer att vara en av de saker som driver mig framåt & får mig att stå ut med livets jävligheter. sempre no meu coração.
- johanna, stockholm

long live the revolution
- Santeri Volanen, Tampere, Finland

- Skott, Canada

Thanks and love from claudia
- claudia, zürich,switzerland

Ingen av oss kommer glömma bort dig. För du kommer alltid att vara med oss fans och din närmaste,
genom den musik du gjorde med dom andra i Nasum och i Krigshot till exempel,
och alla minnen du har gett oss.
Varje gång jag känner sig nere så blir jag alltid glad igen efter att jag har lyssnat igenom en av era skivor. Går inte att beskriva hur mycket eran musik betyder för mig.
Jag/ Vi glömmer dig aldrig.
Vila i fred Mieszko.
- Karl Thelander, Göteborg, Sverige

- Arska, Finland

- Ilmari, Finland

- Parton, Örebro,Sweden

- Chris m, Melbourne, Australia

you knoe no one could have mixed it up better than you.
Well, Go On My Friend!!!!!! it´s just abour da girls.... ;)
- martin ludewign you, germany

- Ahmet, Ankara,Turkiye

We'll never forget you. "We still hate, people telling us what to do" but we've lost our guide. Hope to see and feel you again somewhere in time!
- Emre Gündüz, Ankara, Turkey

- Per Antonsson, Borås, Sweden

I shouted out "snyggaste mannen i världen" at the consert in hultsfred a couple of years ago..l. i stiil mean it... as i said... i miss you
- Janusz, Åtvidaberg, sweden

- Janne, Jyväskylä, Finland

- brian, canada

- Chris, Germany

- joe terry, springfield,oregon u$a

- simon, finland ekenäs

Hope that he could rest in peace
- Stefano, Firenze, Italy

Mieszko, I miss you, as do we all. I'll see you on the other side brotha.
- Jon-Michael Herlth, Merritt Island, FL United States

- BatteryBoy, Sweden

Rest in peace !
- diego ionGrind, Le locle, Switzerland

- Justin, St. Louis, MO, USA

- Shamir Ullah, Joroinen, Finland

All the slit your guts member
- Pisch, Marseille , France

Rest in Peace x
- Jo Richards, Wales, UK

- Matthew J. O., Colorado, USA

- Wyatt Campbell, Montana, USA

i was pretty sad when you die. i hope you find a great band in your new world
- ben, france

- wallenberg, Gothenburg, Sweden

- Grulle, Åland

Om det inte hadde varit för dig hadde jag sittit och rusat bort mitt liv. Men äfter att jag hörde wrath har jag värkligen förändrat hela min livstil.
Så jag tackar dig för allt.
Vil i fred mieszko.
Du kommer inte att bli glömd
- Christoffer Sandström, Tönsberg, Norway

long live nasum, long live grind.
all my love
- danny, loudoun county virginia/usa

Vi ses Mieszko och tills dess ha så det gott! Det har säkert blivit mera drag i himlen sen du kom!
- Brittmarie Lundmark, Sweden

- Ronnie, Kristinehamn

- CSW, Dortmund, Germany

- Werner Hyvärinen, Tampere, Finland

So, you won´t be forgotten!
R.I.P. Miezsko
- Carsten, Issum, Germany

Now 1 year later of the tragedy, I have only an image in my mind; that night of November, the rest never happened for me.
We keep you in our hearts.
- Jose Kurtz of VOICE OF HATE, Valencia, Spain

See you on the other side
- Andreas, Guldsmedshyttan

Ändå är det så obegripligt svårt
Ja, det verkar så enkelt vännen
Men ingenting i denna världen var
väl någonsin lätt att förstå"
- Zara, Malmö

- Hanna Zellner, Sandviken, Sweden

- Séb, montreal,Canada

- Jma, Örebro

- Nick, Redmond Washington US

R.I.P. Mieszko Talarczyk
- Nicholas Phares, Ft.Lauderdale, FL USA

- Brohahnistan, Washington DC, USA

He inhaled and he exhaled like no other.
Grind In Peace Mieszko...there is always a place in our hearts for you and your music
- Oli, Oradea, Romania

Theres no need to be afraid,
cause when we all are there alone,
God loves everyone"
Peace, bro!
/John A
- John A, Örebro

- Daniel Douglas, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Mannen som fick mig att återupptäcka grindens magiska egenskaper en, av alkohol dimhöljd, dag i Hultsfred år 2000.
Vattnet släckte många liv den där dagen och man kan bara önska att Mieszko och alla andra har det bra vart de än är.
Ni finns kvar i våra tankar.
- Mange, Örebro

May your spirit rest in peace.
- Yukiko Suzuki, Osaka, Japan

- Ämir, kalmar

- Markus, Germany

rest in peace mieszko
- Enrico, San Severo (FG) / Italy

Rest in peace Mieszko
- xsrkix, Kutina

Rest In Peace,Mieszko A. Talarczyk
- Satoko, fukuoka City,Japan

It was indeed a sad day for all fans of extreme music when we lost him. R.I.P Mieszko
- Adrian Bromley (UNRESTRAINED!), Toronto, Canada

- Luka, Cesena, Italy

You did so much and give people, not at least to me, something to enjoy and love.
Its even hard to belive that your gone now, one year later. But Im happy about that I got one moment to shakehand with you after a consert.
You will always be remeberd as a good person.
R.I.P Mieszko and keep grindin on up in heaven for all your wounderful fans down here on earth who still screaming spela snabbare!
- Daniel Hansson, Filipstad, Sweden

- Josef, Björneborg, Sverige

R.I.P dude
- Georgie Fenton, Cork, Ireland

I dont know the rights words for this moments..
I'M MISSING YOU MIESZKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Dominik, Rastatt , Germany

- Phil D., Heilbronn, Germany

This feels really weird to do..but I have to say this.
On 24-10-2004 I was going to a concert of Hoobastank in 013, Tilburg. Not knowing that Nasum was playing as well.. At that time, I didn't even know who Nasum was. At one point, you guys arrived in a little white van. We we're suprised a little bit about who were all coming out. Wondering who these guys were. One of the stood out for my opinion, and that was Mieszko. In one minute time, he looked at me, smiled and said hi. I did the same thing back. And now... I can't stop playing that little frame in my head... I can't forget about it. I put a picture of Mieszko in my profile at (I'm Sister_Nightfall there) and it's never going to leave. I started to listen to Nasum. The music helped out with problems, and when I knew that Mieszo was found but dead...I couldn't stop crying for a long time.
Last summer we almoust went to Sweden... My parent's were ok with the fact that we would go visit Orebrö cause I wanted to go to Mieszko's grave so bad.. To tell him the story I'm telling now. But we ended up not going cause we didn't have enough money.
I'm burning a candle all day for him. Further I hope you all can find peace and strength to go on without him. Good luck with everything for the rest of all your lives.
- Simone, Netherlands

- Neil, Liverpool, England

Du var, och kommer alltid vara bäst
- Daniel, Oskarshamn

- Giuseppe, Naples, Italy

RIP Mieszko
- Tomas Lundström, Landsbro, Sverige

- Arthur Borbor, North Wilkesboro, USA

Rest In Peace
- Burak, Turkey

Your music means so much to me. From the first time I heard Inhale/Exhale I knew Nasum was something special. I will never let the Nasum name die. You are the greatest. I never knew you personally. But, through your music it feels like I did. R.I.P. my friend. You and Nasum will never be forgotten.
Grind Forever
- Anthony DeSino, Wanye,NJ USA

Tankarna går till hans vänner och familj.
- Mikael R, Köping, Sweden

Mieszko, the music you've shared has inspired me, as a youth, to live a better life. Thankyou
Be at peace with God
- Bryan Eusebio, San Francisco, California

me and my friends together our room
and this is so bad + shitfull day cause our real hero and saint Mieszko not in this fuckin world ..
we will listening Nasum songs from Industrislaven to Shift songs all night, drink beers and respect Talarczyk ..
we are so sorry about this ..
# Grind Our Mind #
- murat, Istanbul,Turkey

Yesterday my band played a small gig in our hometown and as there were many people I know i just started to cheer for Mieszko and everyone of the 120 people who were there tuned in. It was fantastic, because THIS proves that he will never be forgotten. Never. What he did for the fans of (extreme) music is far beyond imagination.
So this is all I had to say. He will never be forgotten, that's for sure. And it is great how much Anders cares for the rememberance of him. Thank you, this is what proves that you are a real friend. But most important to me is the following: His friends, his family, his girlfriend, everyone around, they need strength. I surely cannot imagine how hard this day is for you, but my thoughts and my best wishes, they are with you.
Lots of love,
- Christoph, Munich, Germany

Rake care!
- Brittmarie Lundmark, Sverige

Your art is still appreciated, and will most likely be appreciated forever! If it hadn't been for this diaster, I know, without a doubt, Nasum would own the intirre grindscene by now!
Rest In Peace!
-Christopher Andersen
- Christopher Andersen, Sorø, Denmark

from your brazilian friend
- victor barbosa, brasil, rio de janeiro

- Sug, USA

- Henrique Meireles, Salvador, Bahia, BRAZIL

Can't believe it's been one year already. You truly were an amazing songwriter and you wrote some of the best grindcore songs of all time.
Anders, keep it up and stay strong. Heard your new songs and let me tell you that they sound very promising. Can't wait to hear them with vocals.
Oh, one last thing. I got my copy of Grind Finale and I'd like to say thank you for making such a good tribute to Nasum. It was very interesting reading the story behind the recordings and the old songs are quite good also!
Once again, R.I.P. Mieszko
- Samuel Dufour, Montreal, Canada

...after the years passed I could go to France to Fury Fest to see them again...and some moths later than that this disaster happens...
I just want to say you are not dead in our hearths
Your music will sound for centuries
Rest In Peace
- xmonox, Sevilla,Spain

- Claudio Slayer, Natal - Brazil

Love and Respect Always
Michael Paul Agnini
- Michael Agnini, Bellingham, Washington, US

This day marks the aniversery marks a day of sadness for the world, and especially for your many fans all over. You are always with me, both on my iPod and in my heart. We have lost an extremely talented person and the world will never forget you. You will always be with us. Matt
- Matt Agnini, Pullman, WA, United States

- Michael Curbo, McCrory, United States

adoro el metal, adoro esta banda, adoro a sus integrantes, y en especial me senti y me siento identificado con Mieszko desde que vi por primera vez sus videos, su carisma y su personalidad lo dicen todo. No lo conoci ni lo vi en vivo pero me parecio la persona mas autentica, sin pretensiones ni poses, y asi deberian ser todos.
Me dolio en el alma su ida, y a un año de este tragico suceso me uno a los miles de fans y amigos, su musica es su legado y siempre estara con nosotros mas alla de la eternidad.
Nasum Rules, Mieszko Rules
- greg carrillo, caracas, venezuela

Forever you will be the Grindfather looking over the worlds grind scene making sure we keep up the standards.
Always to be remember
- Ben Terror, Hazelbrook,Australia

- Fab., Finland

- Alex, Barcelona

Mieszko,you'll be in my brain and my heart for ever.
- Boura Clement, FRANCE

- Johan Suikki, Vännäs, Sweden

- Cristobal Lagos (aka Johnny Fuck), Santiago, Chile

- Anna, Italy

- Dan Katz, Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States

- Sergio Rodríguez,

We will miss you
- Helogher, Barcelona, Spain

- Nelson Rioux, Rimouski Quebec/Canada

- Filip Mijatovic, Trollhättan, Sverige

- Alex Low, Singapore

- Gosia Talarczyk, Örebro, Sweden

- Timo Seewald, Lohja, Finland

- Raffaele, Italy

- Can, Ýstanbul Turkey

Precis som folk säger att de vet precis var de var när de fick reda på att JFK och Olof Palme skjutits så kan jag berätta precis var jag var när jag fick reda på vad som hänt i Thailand och sen även vad som hänt Mieszko.
Jag var på jobbet och jag kom tillbaka från lunchen dagen efter flodvågskatastrofen då jag mötte min far i korridoren och han berättade att han läst på att sångaren i ett hårdrocksband saknades. När jag gick in på sidan och såg att det var Mieszko kunde jag inte tro att det var sant. Jag såg ju Mieszko och Nasum bara två månader tidigare och de var odödliga. I en månad besökte jag varje dag ihop om att Anders skulle sätta rubriken Mieszko found alive and well! på sidan. Jag kan tänka mig att Anders aldrig velat skriva nånting så mycket som han ville skriva just de orden då.
Mieszko, vi tänker på dig varje dag!
- Richard, Hultsfred, Sweden

Not even the next minutes
You continue to live in peoples hearts, and in the music you created Mieszko. That's a comfort for us, and I hope, a comfort for you too!
Missed here, were we continue our lives, but alive and kicking in our memories!
- Anna/Bluesaint, Södertälje, Sweden

I fucking miss you and not just me, u did fucking well. It was pleasure to hear you
- jiri slegr, vysoke myto czech republic

Cheers Mieszko \m/
- Ian Strutt, Wickford, Essex, England

- Lord Goth 666, Thailand

- robert gulliver, grand rapids USA

stay in peace man !!!
- Pedro Henrique, Natal Rn BraZil

- Nils Trieloff, Eberswalde, Germany

- andrea, turin, italy

- Kalle Uurto, Vammala, Finland

- Hannes Elliott, Kristianstad, Sweden

the 26 december is my birthdate and especially this day I though about mieszko. I always can't realize that it's happened! Why?
But...I know that you're always here for me...for us...You'll always be in my mind when I play music...and it's you who you give me the power when I'm on stage with my band!
Rest In Peace
Always in my heart
- Baptiste Sutter, Le Locle Switzerland

- aep, Orléans (a bad city) FRANCE

- juho, Lappeenranta, Finland

- Drozdzu, Lodz, Poland

Mieszko is one of the best shouter I've ever heard..
It still gives me the creeps when I visit the nasum homepage and see his picture and the date of his death.
We won't forget Mieszko .. !
Dennis from germany
- Dennis, Flensburg,Germany

Tack så mycket Mieszko, din själ kommer alltid att finnas där när man behöver den
- Cody Cruz(Andreas), Örebro

- Maxime Leclerc, Quebec City, Canada

- Ash Cotterill, Nottingham, England

- Samuli, Finland

See you when my time comes and i'll bring the beers!!!!
- Nazarul Abdullah, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

- Jimmy Hansen, Aabenraa, Denmark

Wherever you are, take care and keep grinding
- eelco, den bosch - netherlands

a few of us held our own memorial for him just before christmas where those amongst us lucky enough to have met him shared their stories whilst we listened to Nasum and drank to mourn the loss of someone who meant a hell of a lot to us.
my condolences go out to Mieszko's family and friends who new him best. we all miss him
Mieszko Talarczyk - gone but NEVER forgotten
- Tim Needham, Brighton, England

Sorry I test English E level
- Johant 666, Phuket - Thailand

Kisses and hugs
- Molina Engblom, Sverige in Falun

- victor, France

- K, Sweden

It's already been a year know, it's really hard to believe. I remember the first time I saw the message posted that you were missing. My heart really skipped a beat, and I really felt scared. Now it's been a year, and the same impact still remains. I really can't believe it. You were such a great guitarist, you really knew how to write riffs. I even tried to play some of them myself!
I preordered my copy of "Grind Finale" today, and it really hit me, "Wow, this is the last the world will hear of Nasum, one of the greatest grind bands ever.", and it made me feel sad. I must say, "Grind Finale" looks wonderful, and it's a really great testament to you, Mieszko.
I will never forget you, and neither will the world. Thanks for all the wonderful music and thanks for being so cool in your lifetime.
- Julian Gulyas, Cleveland, United States

- Jere Aalto, Espoo, Finland

- Mathias Färm, Örerbo

- Trevor Brubaker, Greensburg, USA

- craig murden, blackpool

- norb, vöcklabruck austria

- wacha, Konin, Poland

- Mark Danneman, Umeå

- Mattias"EGGIZ" Henriksen, Norrköping SWEDEN

- Jimmi, Sweden, Täby

Alltid kommer du Inspirera mig
- David, Kinna, Sverige

- Grindfucker, Gothenburg, Sweden

Ha de riktigt heavy bra...
- Ivan Hippiekiller, Visby, Gotland - Sweden

- iban, Gernika (Basque Country - Spain)

- Arne Peeters, Münster, Germany

Respect Mieszko!
- Jakub & Vasek, Czech Republic

From the Decay boys R.I.P
- T, Kilkenny , Ireland

- Sami, Lohja Finland

- peter bennett, dublin, ireland.

mi hai accompagnato per 3 lunghi anni e non ti dimenticherò tanto facilmente!!!!
ciao miezsko
- morpheo, italia,catania

- aTom, Germany

- sheldon grandbois, winnipeg manitoba canada

- simon smith, birmingham, england

I wish i knew Mieszko, as a friend, and as a musician.
I am currently writing a song in tribute to this great man, i hope i can make it in the business and let everyone in the future hear the appreciation for Meieszko.
RIP mate
Mike Gore
Bloody Foetal Remains
- Mike Gore, Peterborough. England

Nasum will always be one of my favorite bands of all time.
Thank you Mieszko for all you contributed to the world of metal
- Jim Sheldon, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA

I´m a big Nasum fan and i preferd to have an other cd than the Grind Finale but God deceided by the other way.
- Steve Schmid, Augsburg Germany

Kärlek och Respekt till grindcorens eviga fader och egna gud; Mieszko Talarczyk. R.I.P
- Patrik Lanzén, Falkenberg, Sweden

- mike, england

- Herr Kriegmeister, Oulu, Finland

Jag gråter ofta för dig, min vän.
I often cry for you, man.
/ David
- David Söderberg, Vallentuna, Stockholm - SWEDEN

- Christiam Malmström, Malmö, Sverige

Vila i fred
- Erik Vilhelm Sammelin, Kiruna, Sverige

- Johan Björmander, Sverige

det är starkt av dig/er att kunna fortsätta att skriva nyheter osv. dock ganska tråkigt att man inte får höra mer av er, men jag förstår varför.
var starka nu! jag önskar dig/er all lycka!
M.v.h Robin
- Robin, Kristianstad

Allvarligt talat,
jag vet inte vad det är med mig.
Jag har aldrig i mitt liv träffat dig Mieszko -
men det känns som en så stor tomhet efter dig.
Jag vet inte varför.
Kanske är längtan och tanken på att jag en dag Skulle Få träffa dig och skaka din hand för stark.
Nu får jag inte känna så mer - men jag gör det ändå.
Det går inte en dag utan att jag tänker på dig - Krigshot och Nasum - eller vågen.
Saknar dig på håll.
Din trogne David Söderberg.
- David Söderberg,

- Hepi Yulianto, jakarta, Indonesia

- Alen (E.N.D.), Zadar (croatia)

- alejandro, mexico

- João Carlos F. Fonseca, Guimarães , Portugal

Vila i frid!
- Christoffer Olofsson, Kalix, Sverige

- Nils Jonsson, Örebro

I believe(create) q after this the kind(genre) of the grindcore it(he,she) has a debt for with us .... not more of the same .....bye mieszko
- Rene Pedreros, Chile (SOUTH AMERICA)

- Kraschnik, Sweden.

... Do Zobaczenia Po Drugiej Stronie.
- Rados³aw Partyzant Makowski, Przasnysz POLAND

- Crille, Austin, TX USA

- alex, France

- Nico, Nancy

- Zaxx, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

we miss you and your life nasum!
- Winnie Überfall, Mürzzschlag/Austria

Thanks for all what you did in the past. You were the leader of the best Grindcore band in the world.
You'll always be in our memories. Good luck for your journey. Your fans think to you, your family, your friends, and the other members of Nasum.
Heil Nasum, Heil Mieszko ; )
- Pierre, 17 years old., Saint-brieuc (Bretagne, FRANCE)

- WintersForge, Baltimore USA

Memorial pictures
Örebro, December 26 2005

19 pages of messages.

The grave with a lot of candles.

Close up on the temporary stone, the messages, "Grind Finale" and a frame with a picture of Mieszko, his friend Klas and Emma.
Phi Phi, January 2006
Photos by Matte Borg (Genocide SS).
The messages from at the memorial site in Thailand.

Close up in the messages.

Many people have visited this memorial site.

An overview in daylight.