The Tour Blog - DATE: September 12, 2012
A few words about the Gothenburg and Stockholm shows
Posted: September 12, 2012 18:19:51 by Anders Jakobson
There seems to be some confusion regarding the Gothenburg and Stockholm shows regarding tickets, presales and access, and since we've noticed that it seems like a lot of people actually will travel to Sweden and come to the shows, we feel it's necessary to share the info that we do know.
Gothenburg: There are no presales for this show and the tickets will be 150 SEK at the door. However - to be able to get in you apparently need to be a member of the Truckstop Alaska "community". This is a free service, and for all you non-Swedish speaking people, here's a quick tutorial:
1. Go to:
2. Click on "MEDLEM" to the left.
3. Write a) First name, b) Family name, c) Birthdate in the format YYMMDD - i.e. 770119 for January 19 1977 - and just write "0000" in the second box, d) Email address.
4. Send the form and pray to the Gods of Grind that it works.
Stockholm: Yes, it IS a free show, at least until 21.00 (9 PM) when they will start charging at the door. HOWEVER: as it is a free show it might be "sold out" before 21.00, so obviously we can't guarantee access to the show if you show up after 21.00 or perhaps even before that. And there is no presales either so in other words: be there in time, and why shouldn't you - the support acts rock!
All right, that is what we know at this point. Hope this helps some of you.