Coldworker in the studio - with pictures

Coldworker was in the "studio" a couple of weekends ago, recording two cover songs. It was done in the old "The Contaminated Void" fashion, i.e. everything was recorded in the rehearsal room a.k.a Coldworker Studios.

The songs recorded were "Den Mörka Tiden" by Nasum for Power-It-Up's tribute to be released next year, and "Crematorium" by Repulsion for F.D.A. Rekotz tribute "Enter the Horrified" [sic] to be released next summer.

The songs are yet to be mixed.

A special guest appearence was made by Rickard Alriksson (original Nasum drummer/vocalist, now drummer in The Accidents) singing bits and pieces on both tracks.

Here are a few pictures from the recording. Click for larger version and captions.