First review of "The Contaminated Void"

Today, the latest issue of Close-Up Magazine was sent out to the subscribers and in this number "The Contaminated Void" got a killer review, scoring 8 out of 10 (translation below) and also winning the "Soundcheck" feature where five writers give short reviews of 15 current albums.

This is of course very flattering and great for our self-confidence. Too bad it's still close to two months until the album is released...

A full length version of "An unforgiving season" was featured on the Soundcheck CD coming with the issue. The song will be able for download here at soon.

Here's a translation of the review:

The Contaminated Void

In Coldworker, Anders Jakobson (ex-Nasum) returns with a massive roar. Backed up by four younger lads, he blast away hard as hell. With this new band it's all about blasts with death metal roots, but his background in the world's hardest grindcore act is noticeble in both the playing and songwriting.

Therefor I am prepared for the hard discharge that starts with "The Interloper", after all he has a black belt in blastbeats. What I am less prepared for is the incredible groove that follows the blasts towards the end of the same song, a very delicate element that is one of Coldworker's real strengths.

Almost all of the songs are right under the three minute mark and it's hard not to be floored by the mix of furious high speed blasting and led drenched heaviness that is offered. Further more I am very impressed by the very nice aggressive and rough voice belonging to Joel Fornbrant (ex-Phobos), who rapidly screams his way into my list of favorite singers.

The musical focus is obviously on fast blasting, but d-beats, fast Slayer-beats and a few slowers parts keeps you on your toes and with a constant attention. Sometimes the riffing sounds a little bit like Vomitory, but first and foremost it sounds fresh and inspired. None of this album's players doesn't believe in any single beat, chord or vocals he deliveres.

It's actually quite hard to understand that a band can be this together and focused on their first offering, especially since they didn't even knew eachother four months before the recording! A group who makes their debut like this can go far beyond everything. (8/10)

- Daniel Löfquist, Close-Up Magazine (badly translated by Anders)